
Area Schools Inform Parents of Precautions Against Coronavirus

JEFFERSON CO., Pa., (EYT) – Area schools are sending much the same message home to parents and students as it pertains to coronavirus. School leaders are posting letters reassuring parents they are monitoring the situation and following guidelines issued by the CDC.

School officials want parents to keep any sick children home from school, teach children to be diligent about hand washing, and cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue that is then thrown away. The information also urges adults to take the same precautions.

Most postings provide links for information about coronavirus including the CDC and Pennsylvania Department of Health.

Here are some of the precautions being taken by schools districts around the area:


A letter to parents posted to social media from Brookville School District Superintendent Dr. Erich May informs parents that the district is taking precautions.

“Disinfecting desks and doorknobs is an important part of our response,” the letter reads. “You can do the same with cell phones and remotes. Some doctors are advising that we take a break from shaking hands.”

“We are promoting hand washing and social distancing, and we are monitoring this situation and working with state and local agencies. We hope we won’t have to close the school, but it is a possibility. Thank you for taking precautions and trusting us with your children.”

Read the district’s full message here.


Precautions are also being taken in the Punxsutawney Area School District according to a posting from Superintendent Dr. Thomas A. Lesniewski.

“PASD has also increased the amount of disinfecting of all surfaces that are considered high-touch areas in our schools. This process will be ongoing,” he writes. “We all play a role in reducing the likelihood of a coronavirus outbreak in our school district community.”
Red Bank Valley

Read the district’s full message here.

Redbank Valley

Superintendent Dr. John R. Mastillo assures parents that students who become ill in school and sent to the school nurse will be assessed.

“Students reporting to the nurse’s office will be assessed, and appropriate steps will be taken. The nurse will follow-up with students who have been sent home to confirm the diagnosis of their illness. The district will also be taking extra measures to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the classrooms and buildings.”

Read the district’s full message here.

A-C Valley

Superintendent David McDeavitt outlines precautions in place for the district.

“Specifically at the district, we are conducting more frequent cleaning in high traffic areas and wiping down door handles, handrails, and water fountains throughout the day. The maintenance department will be using the misting machine on a daily basis in order to clean large areas more effectively and efficiently. We have also ordered disinfecting wipes for classroom use as well.”

“In the cafeteria, we are not using food produced from outside of the United States. The staff will be rinsing and cleaning our fresh vegetables and fruits twice before serving. The cafeteria uses disinfecting spray and wipes down tables in-between lunches and cleans the chairs one time per day.”

Read the district’s full message here.


A posting from Bill Vonada, Superintendent of Schools for the Cranberry Area School District, urges proper hand washing.

“Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the restroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, is an effective way to stop the transmission of viruses,” the letter reads.

Read the district’s full message here.


A post on the website of the Titusville Area School District reminds residents that although the risk of the virus is low, precautions should be taken.

“The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing concern across The United States and the world. Titusville Area School District recognizes the potential for local concern and disruption of education that health pandemics can cause. As a district, we are continuing our regular attention to the cleaning and disinfection of surfaces in our buildings that occur daily by our custodial staff.”

“The immediate health risk to the general United States public is still considered low at this time. There are no confirmed cases in Pennsylvania at this time. Although the COVID-19 poses no current threat to the Titusville community or the region, we are taking proactive steps to ensure the health and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff.”

Read the district’s full message here.


A posting on the Forest County School District website outlines precautions taken by district staff.

“Students and staff are asked to stay home when they are sick with respiratory disease symptoms. At the present time, these symptoms are more likely due to influenza or other respiratory viruses than to the coronavirus, but it is important to see a health care provider if you have any questions. If a temperature accompanied the illness, there should be no return to school or work until the temperature has been normal for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.”

“Desktops and other frequently touched surfaces are being disinfected regularly, and we will be sure that anti-bacterial wipes and hand sanitizers are available for teacher and student use.”
“The District will be monitoring student and staff absences due to illness and working in partnership with the Department of Health to report and respond to any concerns that may be related to the coronavirus.”

“At the present time, these symptoms are more likely due to influenza or other respiratory viruses than to the coronavirus,” reads a posting on the website of the Forest County School District. “It is important to see a health care provider if you have any questions. If a temperature accompanied the illness, there should be no return to school or work until the temperature has been normal for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.”

Read the district’s full message here.