
Attorney General Kane Warns College Students to Use Credit Cards Responsibly

HARRISBURG, Pa. – Thousands of Pennsylvania students will head back to college next month and many of them will be carrying at least one credit card.

Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane yesterday advised students to educate themselves on credit matters before taking on the responsibility of a credit card.

Students are often inundated with opportunities to apply for credit cards once they arrive at school, through on-campus promotions and applications in their mailboxes. With so much “easy credit” available, it is critical that young adults understand how to live within their means and avoid getting into ballooning credit card debt.

Poor credit decisions made in college can often follow a person for many years.

Here are some important tips when considering applying for a credit card:

Students who run into difficulty with credit should talk with their parents or another trusted adult.

There are no quick fixes for bad credit.

Paying your bills regularly is the only solution for getting back on the right track to managing your debt and improving your credit score.