
Brockway Fourth Canceled for 2020, May Still Have Fireworks

BROCKWAY, Pa. – Running continuously for over 50 years, the Brockway Old Fashioned Fourth of July has become the latest casualty of COVID-19.

On the website for the event, Chairman Jeff Gankosky said that the Fourth Committee is focused first on the health and well-being of the community of Brockway. He said there was a discussion, the committee decided not to host the event.

Council President Chris “Smoke” Benson said that he spoke to Gankosky about the decision.

“I think they did the right thing,” Benson said. “Every other major event in the state has been canceled. The followed suit and did the right thing.”

The borough council had passed a resolution saying that Taylor Memorial Park was closed to all events until further notice. It did not specifically target the Fourth, but any large event, and the closure will remain until state and CDC guidelines say otherwise.

Gankosky said on the website that some committee members wished to continue with their events, but they would not be able to do so in the current environment. Other committee members, such as the Tour de Brockway Bike Race, the Parade Committee, the Miss Brockway Fourth Committee, and more had already made the decision to cancel their events in May.

Gankosky added on the website that donations have been received to keep some form of a fireworks display. Gankosky said in earlier interviews about the Fourth that the group who provides the fireworks is on board for some form of a show, even if all others are canceled.

More information can be found at www.brockwayfourth.com.