
Brookville H&R Tax Tips: Tax Alert from H&R Block…’Lookback’ Rule Lets You Use 2019 Income on Two Credits

BROOKVILLE, Pa. (EYT) – Brookville H&R Block submitted the following article: Tax Alert from H&R Block…”Lookback: Rule Lets You Use 2019 Income on Two Credits.

(Photo by Dave Cyphert of ProPoint Media Photography)

Taxpayers who claim the Earned Income Credit (EIC) and Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) received some good news recently. Recent legislation lets you continue to claim these valuable credits–even if your income changed.

  1. EIC 2020-2021 and ACTC 2020 impacts

With this new “lookback” rule, you can choose to use your 2019 earned income information to determine your eligibility for the Earned Income Credit and the Additional Child Tax Credit if your 2020 or 2021 earned income is lower than your 2019 earned income and doing so results in a larger credit.

For the EIC, you’ll also have the option to use your 2019 earned income for your 2021 return thanks to changes from the American Rescue Plan Act.

  1. Why the lookback rule is important for those with unemployment or a job change

Without the lookback rule, some taxpayers would qualify for a lower credit than the prior year or potentially even not qualify for these two credits. This could be due to receiving unemployment income or because they had a job change and are earning less.

The key to qualifying for these credits is earned income, so here’s why those life changes matter in the context of the pandemic:

The EIC is calculated based on a percentage of your earned income, and other factors impact the credit calculation such as the number of qualifying children you have and your AGI.

For 2020, the ACTC is calculated based on a percentage of your earned income over $2,500, and other factors impact the credit calculation.

For 2021, the ACTC will be fully refundable for some taxpayers, regardless of their earned income.



*For your 2021 return, you can choose to use your 2021 income for the EIC if that’s best.

  1. Additional details about the 2020 lookback rule

Like many things with taxes, there are important nuances to consider. Here are a few other things you should you know about this special lookback rule.

  1. Questions about how the lookback rule affects you?

Look no further than the expertise at H&R Block. You can get answers from our tax pros , who can help with questions about the new rule and both credits, whether you work with us in an office or virtually.

For more information on all of the ways to receive help from H&R Block when filing taxes this season, visit Brookville H&R Block.