
Brookville Keeps Halloween on Halloween

BROOKVILLE, Pa. (EYT) — Yes, Halloween will still be on, well Halloween.

When Mayor Richard Beck announced recently that Brookville Borough would hold Halloween festivities Saturday, Oct. 29 it caused some concern among the council members.

The cause for alarm was mainly because of the plans by the Brookville Chamber of Commerce for its Haunted Brookville events Oct. 29.

Tuesday, Beck said in a statement that Halloween would indeed, be held Monday, Oct. 31.

The parade will begin at 5:30 p.m. and trick or treating following until 8 p.m.

The Haunted Brookville events Saturday include the Color Run held by the Brookville YMCA, tea leaf readings, “Thriller” dance instruction, a group reading with a medium, a showing of the Phantom of the Opera with live organ music, Eerie Tales Walk, and a party.