
Brookville Laurel Festival Canceled

BROOKVILLE, Pa. — The Brookville Laurel Board has announced the cancellation of the 2020 June festival.

“We were hoping the COVID-19 pandemic would have eased, but that is not the case,” said BLF board president Ron Young.

“The board met and discussed four options: Holding the festival, cancelling the festival, holding a reduced festival, or doing a few small events throughout the year.

“We just don’t know when businesses will be permitted to open or which businesses will be allowed to open. The ultimate factor is the rule prohibiting large crowds from gathering. The Laurel Festival is a community event. It doesn’t make sense to hold a festival the community cannot attend.

“Foremost in our thinking is the safety of our friends and neighbors in this environment. The board believes this move is in the best interest of the community.”

Young said another consideration was the impact on donations.

“The Laurel Festival exists due to the generosity of local industry and business. Many of them have been closed and are hurting for money. We thank those who have helped us in the past and look forward to working with them in the future.”

Young said the Laurel Board had contacted several of the donors who indicated the festival should retain their donation and use it for the 2021 festival.

“We appreciate their confidence and support,” Young said.

“We regret the cancellation of the 2020 festival but look forward to an even better festival in 2021.”

The Laurel Board is continuing with several projects.

The veteran’s banner program is continuing with the unveiling of the banners set for 2021. LuAnn Murray, chair of the banner committee, contacted Penelec for permission to use the light poles. A survey of the poles will be conducted with officials of the power company as soon as possible.

Applications for a banner may be obtained at the Brookville Borough office when the ban on public accessibility to public buildings is lifted.

Applications may also be obtained at the office of the Jeffersonian Democrat on Main Street, Brookville or from Murray by calling 814- 715-0269 or email at luannmurray0269@gmail.com.