
Call for Nominations: PA Businesses and Entrepreneurs Wanted for ImPAct Awards

HARRISBURG, Pa. – Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary C. Alan Walker announced today the Partnerships for Regional Economic Performance (PREP) network is currently accepting nominations for the third annual Governor’s ImPAct Awards, developed to recognize companies and entrepreneurs throughout Pennsylvania that are creating jobs and making positive contributions to the state’s economy.

The Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) provides grants through PREP to local economic development service providers that provide assistance and other resources to support local business expansion and growth.

The Governor’s ImPAct Awards recognize companies from throughout the state in five categories: Jobs First, Community Impact, Small Business Impact, Entrepreneurial Impact and Export Impact.

Community ImPAct Award – This award recognition is awarded to a company that exemplifies the tenet of “doing well by doing good.” The winners in this category show a sustained commitment to the growth and development of its employees and the community or communities in which it does business.

Entrepreneur ImPAct Award – This award recognition is awarded to an entrepreneur who has led his or her company to a position of strength in the marketplace by way of growth in one or all of the following areas: creativity, innovation, managerial ability, leadership skills and turnaround.

Export ImPAct Award – This award recognition is awarded to a company that has significantly increased its export sales and the number of new foreign markets it sells to since 2011.
Jobs First ImPAct Award – This award recognition is awarded to a company that has demonstrated consistent job growth and retention over the past two years. The company must have had a positive net gain in new jobs during this time period.

Small Business ImPAct Award – This award recognition is awarded to a small business that is an innovator within its industry, demonstrated revenue/profit growth, increased its workforce and committed to the growth and development of its employees and community. The company must have 100 or fewer employees.

Nominations for each award are being accepted until January 15, 2015 at www.newpa.com/GIA.

Nominations will be collected by the state’s regional economic development partners for evaluation. Each of the 10 PREP regions will then submit up to five nominations per category for the awards ceremony in May.

The third annual Governor’s ImPAct Awards ceremony will be held in Hershey on May 21, 2015.

The awards are being sponsored at no cost to the taxpayers by the state’s private sector partner, Team Pennsylvania Foundation (Team PA), and are being coordinated by DCED, Team PA and Journal Multimedia.

Independent judges selected by Team PA and Journal Multimedia will evaluate the nominations and select the award recipients.

For full list of 2014 finalists and more information about the Governor’s ImPAct Awards, visit http://newpa.com/newsroom/governor-corbett-recognizes-pennsylvania-businesses-and-entrepreneurs-annual-governor%E2%80%99s-impact-award.