
Citing Economic Turmoil, Erie Diocese Suspends Work with Program Deciding Clergy Abuse Claims

ERIE, Pa. (EYT) – Citing the economic impact of COVID-19, the Erie Diocese recently suspended work with a program that has been deciding clergy abuse claims and making payments to the victims.

“As a result of the economic turmoil caused by the onset of COVID-19, the Diocese of Erie has temporarily suspended its work with the Independent Survivors’ Reparation Program effective March 20, 2020,” a statement from the Diocese said. “The suspension will last at least 90 days.”

The suspension affects approximately 40 claimants of clergy abuse who have filed claims but haven’t had their claims decided yet, according to the Diocese statement. All other claimants who have accepted settlements have already been paid, and payments will also be made to those claimants whose payment is pending.

The Diocese said claimants affected by the temporary suspension will be notified when the fund resumes processing claims.

According to the Diocese website, the primary purpose of the Independent Survivors’ Reparation Fund for the Diocese of Erie is to offer time-barred survivors of sexual abuse a straightforward, non-contentious pathway to obtain monetary compensation for the harm that sexual predators within the Diocese of Erie inflicted.