
GantDaily: Trooper Bradley Wilson to Receive PSP Purple Heart Award

PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. – On Sept. 17, Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan will present the Purple Heart Award to Trooper Bradley Wilson.

The ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. at Troop C Headquarters, 485 N. Findley St., Punxsutawney. It will be attended by many dignitaries and state police personnel.

This story was provided by our News Exchange Partner, GantDaily.com.

The Pennsylvania State Police Purple Heart Award is presented to troopers or enforcement officers who have sustained serious bodily injury in the line of duty. It’s also given to those who have been shot by a criminal and require medical treatment, regardless of the degree of injury.

The Purple Heart Award nominee must have been actively engaged in the performance of their duties when they sustained the serious bodily injury.

The injury must have either directly resulted from a criminal act in which harm was intended, or carried out in a manner reasonably expected to produce harm to the nominee or a third party.

The injury may have also occurred when the trooper or law enforcement officer was engaged in saving or attempting to save another from death or serious bodily injury.

Wilson was shot twice and critically injured by an assailant while serving a search warrant with other law enforcement officers on Sept. 26, 2013 at a private residence in Brockway.

“Wilson’s injuries resulted in significant paralysis and his recovery has been long and difficult. It is still ongoing,” state police said.