
Gobbler’s Knob Trail Fun for Old & Young

PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. (EYT) — Gobbler’s Knob, where the world-famous Punxsutawney Phil makes his yearly prediction of six more weeks of winter or an early spring, has a half-mile long trail and many interesting features that young and old alike with find entertaining and informative.

There are stops with information signs that explain the history of Punxsutawney, Groundhog Day, and the legend of Punxsy Phil.

The trail, recently completed in 2014, is a cooperative project with Punxsy Area High School, the Groundhog Club, and the Jefferson County-DuBois Area Vocational Technical School.

On the trail, there are metal works of art made by Jeff Tech students. A new piece of art is installed each Groundhog Day.

Students at Punxsy High School and members of the Groundhog Club have identified plants and wildlife in the park, and markers have been placed to help visitors learn about them.

The Gobbler’s Knob Trail was funded in part by the Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau as a Jefferson County Hotel Tax Project.