
Letter to the Editor: What Ever Happened to Good Old-Fashioned Manners?

I don’t know when it changed but what ever happened to good old fashioned manners?

I don’t care what store you walk into, when you make a purchase and you pay for it, what do you hear? Here’s your change or have a nice day or there you go. Almost never do you hear “Thank You” anymore. I was raised to say please and thank you. We are definitely a less civil society than in years past.

The other day I held a door open for a lady coming out of a store. She blew right past me and never even acknowledged me let alone say thank you but I did say rather loudly as she walked away, you’re welcome!

I am in sales and when I get an order from one of my dealers I absolutely make a point to thank them for the order before I hang up the phone. Maybe this is just a pet peeve on my part but check it out for yourself. When you go into a store, fast food restaurant, convenience store, etc., see if anybody says thank you for the business. I think you will be shocked what you won’t hear and that is sad! It’s so bad that when somebody actually does say thank you, I thank them for saying it.

Thanks for listening and have a Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays!

Rick Rathfon
Shippenville, PA