
Northwest Pennsylvania Tobacco Control Program Launches Vaping, Tobacco Cessation Program for Teens

NORTHWEST PA – Nearly five million teens across the United States are vaping and using tobacco, yet there are few resources available to help them stop.

On July 1, 2019, the nation’s largest non-profit tobacco quitline provider National Jewish Health, together with nine partner states including Northwest Pennsylvania Tobacco Control Program is launching an enhanced tobacco cessation program for teens who want to stop using tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes and vapes.

The new My Life, My Quit program includes educational materials designed for teens and created through focus groups with teens, subject matter experts and community stakeholders. Teens can text or call a toll-free number (1.855.891.9989) dedicated for teens, or they can visit mylifemyquit.com for real-time coaching. Through the program, teens work with a coach who listens and understands their unique needs, provides personalized support, and helps them build a quit plan to become free from nicotine.

“This comprehensive new program combines the best practices for youth tobacco cessation adapted to include vaping and new ways for teens to reach our quit coaches using real-time text messaging and online chat,” said Thomas Ylioja, PhD, clinical director of Health Initiatives at National Jewish Health.

“While there are similarities, the teen quit experience is very different from the adult experience. This program allows us to meet teens where they are, communicate with them via channels they are comfortable with, and to support them through their quit journey,” said Dr. Ylioja.

My Life, My Quit provides youth access to tailored resources for quitting, including:

National Jewish Health QuitLogix® is an evidence-based, comprehensive tobacco cessation program that provides personalized coaching, print and online resources to help people quit smoking or using tobacco products. National Jewish Health currently operates the quitline for 16 states and numerous health plans. The program has helped thousands of adults quit using tobacco and has a nearly 40 percent participant quit rate for people who receive coaching and medications, one of the highest quit rates in the country.