
PennDOT Announces Upcoming Town Hall on Underage Drinking

JEFFERSON CO., Pa. – The Clearfield Jefferson Drug and Alcohol Commission, in partnership with Penn State DuBois, PA Department of Transportation, State Farm Insurance, DuBois High School, and the PA State Police, will conduct a virtual Town Hall Meeting on Underage Drinking on April 13.

The Town Hall Meeting begins at 6:00 p.m.

Registration is required at https://psu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6vCR3JI8TK6pgNx4OwURHQ. Participants may register up until the start of the event and should be logged on no later than 6:00 p.m. The event is open to the public.

The event will be presented as a virtual ZOOM meeting. Speakers will provide information about what Clearfield and Jefferson County adolescents are up against, discuss impaired driving, underage drinking laws, and prevention strategies.

Participants will also see realistic and accurate DUI simulations. The Town Hall will conclude with the story of a family member of a victim of a deadly DUI accident and time for questions and answers from the panelists.

Participants will be asked to complete post-survey at the conclusion of the Town Hall Meeting and two winners will be drawn from those completed surveys, both with a chance to win a $50 gift card. Also, a certificate of attendance will be provided.

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