
PennDOT: Online Public Meeting to be Held Today, Public Encouraged to Register

HARRISBURG, Pa. – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is reminding Pennsylvanians that the public comment period on transportation priorities for the Twelve Year Transportation Program update is open, and that they’re encouraged to register for and participate in an online public meeting on Tuesday, March 21, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Public input is a vital part of the planning process to develop the Twelve Year Transportation Program, which serves as the blueprint of prioritized transportation projects. To provide input and to register for the interactive Webcast, visit www.TalkPATransportation.com.

During the live meeting, PennDOT Secretary and State Transportation Commission (STC) Chairwoman Leslie S. Richards will provide an update on the state’s biennial Transportation Performance Report and the public comment period. Richards, PennDOT executives, and STC commissioners will also answer questions submitted before and during the meeting.

Registration is required for the meeting. Questions may be submitted in advance to ra-penndotstc@pa.gov and participants may also submit questions during the meeting through the Webcast tool.

Through April 19, the public can also submit feedback by taking the survey online at www.TalkPATransportation.com, emailing ra-penndotstc@pa.gov, or calling 717-783-2262 to request a printed survey copy.

The 15-member STC includes the Transportation Secretary, 10 private citizens appointed by the governor, and the majority and minority chairs of the state Senate and House Transportation Committees.