
Pennsylvania Revenue Department Urges Taxpayers to Help Prevent Refund Fraud

HARRISBURG, Pa. – The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue is reminding taxpayers of the steps they can take to protect their personal and tax data and prevent refund fraud, echoing an appeal made today by the Internal Revenue Service in Washington, D.C.

“The Department of Revenue is working with the Internal Revenue Service and the private-sector tax industry this year to create new safeguards for 2016,” said Revenue Secretary Eileen McNulty. “We want to reduce the risk of cybercriminals using stolen data to file fraudulent tax returns.”

Steps taxpayers can take include:

Tax preparation businesses also can help by sharing information with clients. Tips for customers are available in a new Internal Revenue Service publication, Publication 4524, Security Awareness for Taxpayers. And, the IRS created a new resource page at www.irs.gov/taxessecuritytogether.

Last month the Security Summit – the public-private collaboration that is tackling the problem from all three sides – revealed some of the dozens of changes and new programs that will be in place for the 2016 filing season.

Many of these new safeguards are invisible to taxpayers but will help the states and IRS verify the identity of the taxpayer and the validity of the tax return. There are new password standards for tax software. And, the IRS, the states and the industry are sharing more information about identity theft schemes. (See IRS Fact Sheet 2015-23 for details.)