
Say What?!: Cans of ‘Boiled Parrot’ Ruffle Feathers in San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. – A display in the front window of a yet-to-open San Francisco store is ruffling feathers of animal lovers with cans purporting to contain “boiled parrot.”

The display, in the window of a future North Beach retail shop called Terrific Street, features several cans bearing the image of a cartoon parrot and purporting to contain “Colorful Sky Rat Brand Boiled Parrot In Gravy.”

Some of the cans are labeled “local & organic” and offer “Cherry Conures In Their Own Syrup.” Brady Baltezore, one of six partners behind the Terrific Street store, said the display was meant to be humorous.

Read the entire story here.

(Photo courtesy of Colby Thompson.)