
Say What?!: Octopus steals GoPro While It’s Recording

SAN DIEGO, CA – A man taking video at San Diego’s La Jolla Tide Pools captured some unusual footage when an octopus swiped his GoPro camera.

Jeff Forgeron said he was filming Saturday at the La Jolla Tide Pools when the invertebrate grabbed the waterproof camera in one of its tentacles and fled while it was still recording.

Luckily, the octopus did not make a particularly speedy getaway and Forgeron was able to retrieve the camera after a short time.

Read more and watch the video here: http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2015/01/07/Octopus-steals-GoPro-while-its-recording/5221420641984/?spt=mps&or=4