
Say What?!: Quasi Modo Named ‘World’s Ugliest Dog’ at California fair

PETALUMA, California – A 10-year-old mutt with a variety of birth defects took home the top prize at Friday’s “The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest,” held annually at the Sonoma-Marin Fair.

The hunchbacked dog, named Quasi Modo, is part pit bull, part Dutch shepherd. Now he’s part rich — or his owner is, at least — after taking home $1,500 in prize money. Contest organizers say the competition is intended to celebrate, not ridicule, deformities and imperfections.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2015/06/27/Quasi-Modo-named-Worlds-Ugliest-Dog-at-California-fair/1751435422357/?spt=sec&or=on