
SPONSORED: AICDAC Offers Substance Use in the Workplace Prevention Presentation

Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug & Alcohol Commission (AICDAC) provides alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and problem gambling prevention and education services at no cost to all organizations and businesses in Armstrong, Indiana, and Clarion Counties.

Substance use can have a major impact on the workplace. Drugs and alcohol can impair both judgment and reaction times, putting your employees, your clients, and even bystanders at risk. A drug free workplace means healthier employees and fewer accidents, disagreements, and a safe overall working environment for all. A drug free workplace is a more productive workplace. Numerous studies have found a correlation between decreased productivity and the use of alcohol and other substances. Employees who continually use drugs or alcohol are more likely to be late, experience poor health, and have trouble concentrating or completing tasks at work.

Special presentations that may be requested but not limited to are, Had I Only Known and Narcan Administration Trainings. Presentations are customizable based on each organization/business’ needs. Had I Only Known is Power Point presentation designed to educate adults about the latest community, state, and national drug trends and can be tailored to certain types of drugs discussed upon request. Education about signs and symptoms of drug use, as well as treatment and support resources are provided. The suggested audience for this presentation is management or all employees.

Narcan Trainings provide information about what the medication is, how it works, and how to administer. Each participant will receive a free Narcan kit. The suggested audience for this presentation is management or all employees. In addition to training, AICDAC also has permanent, wall mounted Narcan boxes available that hold several kits. The boxes are offered to organizations and businesses to hang in their establishments for free. The purpose of these boxes is to aide a bystander in the process of saving the life of a victim of an opioid overdose.

Armstrong, Indiana, and Clarion counties’ Drug Free Coalition is currently looking for new members to represent the business sector of the community. The Drug Free Coalition is a combined effort of concerned community members, agencies, organizations, law enforcement, parents, and faith groups. A project of Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission, the coalition is an important part of making the picture of a drug free community come to life. The Drug Free Coalition groups meet as follows, and a full meeting schedule is found at www.aicdac.org.

Armstrong County – third Tuesday every other month at 10:00am via Zoom
Indiana County – fourth Thursday every other month at 10:00am via Zoom
Clarion County – fourth Friday every month at 10:00am via Zoom

If you are interested in joining any of the Drug Free Coalition groups, and/or scheduling a workplace substance use prevention presentation, please contact jdolby@aicdac.org or call (814)226-6350 ext. 104.