
Sponsored Content: Clarion Federal Credit Union Gives Members Special Bonus Dividends

Clarion Federal Credit Union is a unique financial institution.

We are member owned so in our continuous effort to work for our members, the Board of Directors approved a Special Bonus Dividend.  The Board authorized an additional $250,000 in dividends to be given to the members based on the relationship they had with the Credit Union in 2016. 

The structure of the Special Bonus Dividend is based on the following factors:

Board President Deborah Boyles stated, “We are the only local financial institution that is truly working for our member/owners.”  She continued, “We hope that the Credit Union can continue to offer this Bonus Dividend in the future and that people in our local area take advantage of the Credit Union’s services.” 

There are only a handful of credit unions in Pennsylvania paying a bonus dividend to their members.

Clarion Federal Credit Union, measured by Callahan & Associates, is ranked in the top 3% in the nation of all credit unions in our peer group when measuring returns to members.

You are eligible to join the Clarion Federal Credit Union if you live, work (or regularly conduct business in) worship, attend school, or are a business in Clarion, Jefferson, Forest or Venango counties in Pennsylvania.  We offer a wide variety of financial products including savings, checking accounts, debit cards, IRA’s, Term Certificates, Christmas and Vacation Club accounts.  We also offer low interest rate consumer loans, home equity products and commercial loans.

For more information visit us at our Clarion or Brookville locations or call us at 814-226-5032.

The above article is paid content submitted by the Clarion Federal Credit Union.