
PennWest Clarion Lends Space to BHS Clarion Hospital for EMT Class

CLARION, Pa. – The Clarion area has a need for emergency medical technicians and PennWest Clarion is lending some of its space so EMT students can be trained in a state-of-the-art facility.

(Article by Amy Wozniak)

PennWest Clarion and Butler Health System Clarion Hospital have entered into an agreement permitting BHS Hospital to use Ralston Hall to train EMTs. Ralston Hall is where PennWest Clarion’s nursing students have classes and participate in hands-on training in its simulation labs.

“It’s not going to interfere with (nursing) student schedules,” PennWest Dean of Health Sciences Dr. Deb Kelly said of the EMT classes, which start on Tuesday, August 30, and will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and on one Saturday.

The deadline to apply is Tuesday, August 16.

BHS Clarion Hospital seeks to keep the cost of the training class low hoping to attract students who would like a change in career. It’s for that reason that PennWest Clarion is lending the space to BHS for classes.

The cost of the class, which runs from August through January, is $740.00.

BHS Clarion Hospital paramedic and EMT instructor Heather Nulph said the career is rewarding and at the end of a shift, EMTs feel as though they’ve truly helped people.

“I could have moved on to a different job, but I love what I do. I can remember several different patients in my time as a paramedic, and being in a small town, it is nice to still see and run into some of these people and them remembering me and what we did to help them,” Nulph said.

Also, Nulph believes that becoming an EMT is a great segue into other medical careers and she has witnessed many EMTs transition to other jobs in the field.

“We have several physicians who began their career as an EMT and worked through college as an EMT. The flexible hours are really helpful and, in their downtime, they would study,” Nulph said.

In turn, PennWest Clarion hopes some of these EMTs will continue their education in one of its associate or bachelor’s programs. In doing so, PennWest Clarion would honor the EMT training for six credits toward their degree.

To register for the EMT class, contact Nulph at 814-226-2619 or via email at Heather.Nulph@butlerhealthsystem.org.