
What Local Residents Are Most Thankful For…

exploreJeffersonPA.com asked its users what they are most thankful for. Here are some of the responses.

Khristen AK of Lanse “My fiance and I have travelled all up and down the East coast competing in Spartan races, representing Brookville, thankful for both the health and fitness to do so, as well as jobs that allow us to afford to travel!”

Ryan Murphy of Worthville – “As each day passes, I could never be more Thankful for the GREATEST Family I could ever ask for. My wife Aubrey and our 3 AMAZING children – Brooklynn, Autumn and our newborn Dakota! They never seem to run out of ways to enlighten each others lives one way or another.”

Kalah N Peace of Brockway – “I am thankful I’m able to get up and take care of my babies everyday. My health has made it a struggle, so to be living my life to the fullest truly is a blessing!”

Mary Wright – “Not just tomorrow but I am thankful everyday for my family. we have overcome so many challenges and at the end of each day we encouraging each other and our children.”

Leslie Wiant – “Being able to get up every morning and thank God for my life and the love of a good man and the children and grandchildren that we have.”

Rachel Christine – “I’m so thankful for my new family, it’s our first thanksgiving as a family and I’ve never been happier ??”

Wendy Hunter – “My health, husband, family and friends!”

Holly Kay – “My miracle baby.”

David Shick

Stephen A. Spinda – “My family.”

Jim Thompson

Jessica Lyn of Punxsutawney – “My family.”

Heather Griffith – “My beautiful family.”