
Wolf Administration Continues to Address Opioid Crisis, Unveils Opioid Data Dashboard to Provide Data to Public

HARRISBURG, Pa. (EYT) – Governor Tom Wolf yesterday continued his administration’s fight against the opioid epidemic by unveiling an opioid data dashboard that provides Pennsylvanians battling the epidemic with an innovative new tool to help focus resources locally.

“Access to this data will allow our Opioid Operational Command Center, local officials and all those involved in battling the opioid crisis to look at where our efforts are needed most,” Governor Wolf said. “This information is vital as we all work together to help our loved ones, our neighbors and our communities who continue to be devastated by this crisis.”

The opioid data dashboard focuses on data sets in the three main areas distinguished by Governor Wolf in his disaster declaration: prevention, rescue, and treatment. It also shows data at the county-level.

“This information allows us to look at the areas where the opioid crisis is doing the most damage,” Acting Health Secretary and Physician General Dr. Rachel Levine said. “Through this data, we can see where prevention is needed, where rescue can be improved and where treatment is necessary to help those communities that have been affected the most by the opioid epidemic.”

On January 10, Governor Wolf signed a statewide disaster declaration for the opioid epidemic to enhance state response, increase access to treatment, and save lives.

The disaster declaration focuses on 13 initiatives, all of which have been implemented or are nearing completed implementation:

Governor Wolf and state agencies have been increasing efforts in the fight against prescription drug abuse in multiple areas, including numerous programs and initiatives:

For more information on the state’s efforts to battle the opioid epidemic and to view the dashboard, visit https://www.pa.gov/guides/opioid-epidemic/ or follow us on Facebookand Twitter.