Third Loop Crafts Comfort Items for Children in Need

BROOKVILLE, Pa. (EYT) – Local crafters with the new charitable giving organization, Third Loop, recently came together to make 56 knitted toys and 11 community blankets for PASSAGES, Inc., a sexual assault advocacy group serving Clarion, Clearfield, and Jefferson Counties.

(Pictured above, from left to right: Val Guthrie, Sarah Rossey, and Tia DeShong at the Brookville office for PASSAGES, Inc.)

These comfort items will be distributed throughout all three counties and offered to children who have been victims of sexual assault.

Third Loop organizer, Sarah Rossey, says the group, which donated over 150 knitted hats to the Hahne Cancer Center in DuBois last January, planned to continue finding ways to contribute to the community. When Rossey learned about a potential need at PASSAGES, Inc., she and her fellow crafters were eager to help.

“We decided to create comfort objects for clients there – stuffed animals and lap blankets,” she said. “We provided materials and patterns for both projects and held a kickoff crafting session at the end of February. One cool thing about the blankets is that they are created out of 8-inch squares made by everyone who participated. Each blanket and stuffed animal is a group effort made with love.”

Rossey added that with the help of volunteer Jo Scheier, Third Loop provided materials and guidance during the group event. “The patterns she collected and the enthusiasm she shared really drove this project,” Rossey explained.

Another key contributor to Third Loop’s projects is Val Guthrie who made three blankets and 32 stuffed owls for PASSAGES, Inc. Guthrie heard about Third Loop from their Facebook page and says that so far, not only has she enjoyed the opportunity to use her talents to help others, but she has made some friends in the process.

“I love to crochet and now I am able to meet with others who crochet and knit,” she said. “Together we can make items to give back to the community. A homemade gift is always comforting and knowing someone took their time and love to make it. I hope gives people a smile and makes their day a little brighter.”

Tia DeShong, the Volunteer Coordinator and Community Outreach Advocate at PASSAGES, Inc., helped to coordinate with Third Loop and was there when the items were delivered. She noted that comfort items were an important contribution.

“Because children are most at risk for sexual violence (one in four girls and one in six boys will experience sexual abuse by their 18th birthday), we have many clients who are children,” DeShong explained. “Our counselors work with kids to help them work through some of the issues that arise following victimization, including fear, acting out, trust, etc.”

DeShong added that PASSAGES, Inc. is dedicated to prevention programs designed to educate children and families so that they may be better prepared to determine when and how to reach out for help.

“We also have Prevention Educators who go into area schools and teach children age-appropriate things about sexual violence including consent, boundaries, how to tell an adult, bystander intervention, internet safety, and healthy relationships,” she said. “These programs are designed to prevent these crimes from happening in the first place.”

DeShong described her reaction when the Third Loop items were delivered.

“I was amazed by the number of items being donated and the obvious care that was put into each item,” she revealed. “It’s always moving to see the community mobilizing to help us do our work. I firmly believe the love and support that was woven into each item will be felt by the survivors who hold them for comfort.”

Deshong explained exactly how the stuffed animals and community blankets would be used.

“We will offer the items to adults and children during counseling sessions as a method of providing comfort,” she said. “If someone connects with a certain item, we plan to send the item home with them. Not only do the items provide tactile comfort — some to hug, for the stuffed animals, something to cover and keep warm, for the blankets — they also provide comfort for survivors because they know someone out there in the community believed in them and wanted to reach out and help them feel better. That kind of love is powerful and transformable.”

For those looking to get involved with the community, DeShong says that PASSAGES, Inc. is always in need of passionate individuals who want to serve as advocates for survivors of sexual violence and encourages those individuals to reach out to her to discuss their options.

Third Loop is also looking for crafters who can contribute to ongoing community projects. Rossey says that with two successful projects underway, the new group is more motivated than ever to connect with individuals and organizations looking to help their neighbors.

“We are looking forward to the next challenge and are so grateful to our local crafters for their fellowship and talents,” she said.

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